Monday 29 June 2009

Just A Thought....

Sunday 28 June 2009

Post Secret

I am sure if you regularly follow this blog, you may have taken a look at my sidebar and noticed my blogroll. In that blogroll there is a link that says PostSecret. Post Secret is a community project started by Frank Warren. His idea was that people put their secrets on a postcard and annoymously mail them to him and since then, he has recieved millions of postcards from strangers all over the world. Every Sunday, he updated the post secret website from the best cards he recieved that week and the ones that don't get seen are put into books that can be purchased from Amazon or any bookstore, though moreso in the USA.

I follow this project intently because I think it's amazing that just one man can become so trusted with everybody's secrets even though he is a stranger to us. It's an awesome project and I have even purchased one of the books and shared it with my friends. Sometimes we laugh about the secrets, or start debates about some of the views shared, or have chats about the more serious issues brought up within them. And sometimes, we even find secrets that we have hidden amongst the cards, even if we never sent one in.

It's a really inspiring project and It's something that I would love to do myself. I want to do something inspiring like that, something that means something to someone else in the world. So I'm not going to ramble on, but post a few of the postcards that I've found interesting, or can relate to myself and I encourage you to click here and read the rest of the secrets yourself.

Saturday 27 June 2009

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda...

I can’t…
Roll my tongue or my R's, Speak French very well, Express my feelings openly to those who need to hear them, Stop Buying Shoes that I'll never wear.

I can..
Spend money like it's nobody's business, Make my room a mess without even moving, Be extremely emotional and cheesy, Keep a secret, Make Rainbow Cake, Type very very fast, Make out for hours on end, Read a book in a day, Write a 50, 000 word novel in 30 days, Write Poems that rhyme consistently.

I won’t…
Eat fish, or snails, or frogs legs, Give oral sex, or anal for that matter, Enjoy dance/trance/hardcore thumpity music, Stop listening to country music because I think it's nice, Watch horror/gore movies, Stop enjoying reality TV, Stop enjoying Disney and/or Pokemon.

I will…
Continue to buy shoes that I'll never wear and enjoy doing so, buy clothes even though my wardrobe is ready to burst, Continue to feel materialistic for the former two things, Continue to enjoy cheesy music, Always see the new Harry Potter movies, Always read girly novels and enjoy Chick Flicks, Always write, cheesy and sometimes depressing poetry, Try to blog more.

I shouldn’t…
Spend so much money, Buy so many shoes, Feel so materialistic, Aspire to be like Carrie Bradshaw, Buy notepads that I never write in because I think they are too pretty, Swear so much, Be so bitchy, Hord things that mean something to me, or clothes that I don't wear, or feelings that I should get rid of.

I should…
Say what I think, Be more honest, Be proud of myself, Wear the shoes that I buy, Spend more time with my family and friends, Write more, Stop feeling so materialistic, Believe in myself more often, stop feeling so unattractive.

What about you?
Meme found here via here.


Friday 26 June 2009

Forever Young

So today is Friday, Day Four in France. Today we are going to Euro Disney. Now call me a child or immature or what not for enjoying this, but I love Disney and my friends and I are considering dressing up as Disney Princesses for Halloween, bit early for planning such an event but hey these things happen in our conversations.

Since it is summer, I have a lack of things to do with my life, so I spend a lot of time watching movies and whatnot or plonking myself in front of the television. I ended up watching Pocahontas the other day and it was great! I also watched the new Disney movie, The Princess Protection Programme too. I grew up with Disney and therefore the movies will always be classic to me. I hope to thoroughly enjoy my time today at Euro Disney and I will be taking plenty of pictures.

As well as this childhood engagement, I have recently started playing Pokemon on the DS. When I've admitted to this, manys a person has told me to Grow Up or Wise up. Oh come on, you know you loved it. I remember trading Pokemon cards in the playground in Primary school and you used to try and swap your crap cards for the shiny ones by telling the other person that it was a really good pokemon for whichever made-up reason you could think of.

I will always enjoy these things and other things such as The Land Before Time and Fern Gully and the Spice Girls because I have grown up with them and loved them as a child. As an adult, I am sure there will be new things for me to enjoy, things that may keep me young, or make me old but if I enjoy them, then why should I care that other people think it's childish and immature?

These are the things that will keep me young at heart when I am an old greying lady with my walking stick and so with that, I am off to enjoy some Pokemon, gotta catch them all remember! So, come on, admit to me your favourite childhood things that you enjoy. Comments are open for them!


Thursday 25 June 2009


So yesterday, I made a post about all the different sets of friends I have/had in my life. One particular set of friends I didn't mention are manfriends. You know, the men in your life, the one's who are lover's and friends at the same time.

If I am honest about this, I haven't had very many relationships or manfriends in my life thus far. If I recall correctly, there are about four men whom I've been in a so-called serious relationship. My history isn't very good either and they seem to turn into something opposite to what they are when I'm done with them.

For example, the first guy I ever dated (Hi! if you are reading this) turned out to be Gay in the end. I fully support him in this endevour but it was never something I expected of him because we used to talk about having a family and getting a house and what our pets would be. Maybe it's because we were young and naive and really had no clue who we were back then. But alas, we grew up, got to know ourselves and he made his decision, which is fair play to him because now he knows who he is and what he wants from life. I hope you are well by the way!

The second guy I dated, turned religious, though there was always that within him during our relationship. Though I am not religious myself, I have since come to terms with his beliefs and now we have regular chats on the phone or on msn and he has become a very good friend to me in recent months. Hello to you as well :) By the way, I'm in France so if you ask me to call you I probably won't be able too!

The third guy I dated, I don't know very much of what became of him. Apparantley though he joined the army and moved back to America, but then he came back to the country? I'm not really sure what happened there but it doesn't matter too much because he really hates my guts anyway. It has been 3 years since our break-up, so I am quite over the heartache that I felt at the time. I doubt you are indeed reading this but if you are, I hope you are well and that life has treated you well since we last spoke however many years ago it was - though you can and probably will continue to hate me even if I say that.

The fourth guy I was in a relationship with is still around. Our relationship is entirely complicated for reasons that I cannot really define. It's been on/off again for about a year and a half now. Our first attempt ended after a drunken stupor caused a huge rucus between us and well our relationship was quite rocky from the start. Our second time didn't turn out too well for reasons I will not disclose. I don't know if we are going to try again, but I know that I have a lot of feelings for him and in my own really screwed up way, I will always want him in my life.

I will not go as far as to say that he is the One or anything like that, but he is the only guy that has truly cared about my feelings, about what I want out of the relationship, he's the only one who has taught me things about myself and the world that I may not have learnt otherwise, he is the only one that has stayed up with me all night to help me do coursework and he is the only who has done a whole lot of other things that have truly made an impact on my life. At times, I have resented him for his attitude and his brutal honesty, but in the end I come around because I know he is telling me these things for my own good and for that, I respect him and hope that he will stick around to keep me grounded in reality and not dive completely into my fantasy-world.

And of course, I should make a mention to those manfriends, who have been solely sexual escapades, whom I've spent a night or two with, learning the tricks of the trade, or teaching them. To the ones who have spent the night in bed with me, ripping each others clothes off and learning what makes each other tick.

This blog is for you manfriends, from sexual to sensual, from love to hate, from make up to break up and everything in between, my thanks goes out to you, for sharing a part of your life with me and letting me share mine with you. Wherever you happen to be in the world now, or whatever you are doing, I hope that you are well and continue to be.

Love and thanks

Wednesday 24 June 2009


A lot of bloggers lately have been writing about friendship and although I am not one for jumping on bandwagons, I feel it necessary to talk about friends and friendship and what it means to me.

I am not the world's greatest social butterfly, I find it hard to make friends and even harder to keep them. There have been many people in my life who have come and gone without me even realising it and there have been those who I've chosen to walk away from myself. I am not proud of the fact that I go through friends more regularly than I drink coffee but you know, life is shit a lot of the time.

But throughout all of these battles and sometimes even wars, I've come out the other end a better stronger person and I've come to know who my real friends are and how to recognise a good friend when you see one. It was in recent months that I made the decision to walk away from some very good friends of mine and to this day, I believe that a very stupid decision and I cannot seem to determine why I chose to do it. To those people, if you happen to read this, I apologise profoundly for walking away when I shouldn't have, but I hope you are doing well.

However, I am not going to focus solely on the negative. I have made some very very good friends by going to University and I would definitely be a mess without them. They have kept me sane during all the stresses of University coursework and exams and all the drunken messes that I happen to have got myself into. These people have made University a brilliant experience for me and I can't wait to get back there in September. To those people, thank you so much and I hope to see you as soon as I can!

As well as University friends, I have some very good online friends. Some of which I have known for years now. People often say, how can you be sure that these people are who they say they are? How do you know they are genuine and not really making fun of you behind your back? Well, that's just part of having human faith isn't it? But these people are fantastic, they are who I can tell every single secret too and I do, and even though we are spread few and far between, we know that we are there for each other, through the good and the bad. To those people, thank you for being there for me through everything and I hope we can continue to do so for a very long time :).

Of course, I must mention my family. If your family are not your friends then who can you say really is? My mum is one of my best friends, even if she does make me do the dishes when I really hate doing it (buy a dishwasher woman!). She is the one who is always there to pick up the pieces when I fall apart and she is the one who knows me better than I know myself a lot of the time and for that I will never be able to thank her enough, so here's to you mum, thank you for always being there for me (even when I don't do the dishes) :). I must also make a mention here, to my sister who will keep me forever young due to her tales of youth and woe and also to my granny who is also forever young because I make her read books such as Twilight and Harry Potter. I love you both too.

There are of course, those who I see not very often because they've gone away for University or something else has happened and they've had to go somewhere else. Yet, our friendship stands the test of distance and time. To those people, the one's who don't see me very often but yet still accept me for who I am everytime we meet again, thank you for staying with me through every change and decision.

I could go on forever about the different people in my life who I call a friend, but I am just going to simply end it here and say thank you to every person who has encountered me in my life, because you have shaped me into the person I am today and will continue to shape me into the person I will become in the future. So here's to you, friends, and to the many memories that are yet to be made and the many dishes that are yet to be done.

I love you all.

Tuesday 23 June 2009

From Protests to Paris

Today is the day I leave Northern Ireland for my one week holiday in Paris, France with my family. If I am completely honest, I didn't pack until last night, I've probably packed too many clothes and I am really not prepared for this holiday at all.

I have never been to France and have nothing against the French, but it does scare me a little bit when I go to a country where the people don't talk my language. I know that most of them do, but it's kind of weird when you are walking down the street and being Irish, you are easily noticeable, and then you see these people look at you and they turn to their neighbour and start up a conversation. I mean, you have no idea what they are saying about you, if anything. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Paris and hopefully I'll have a good time and I'll take lots of photos. But today is a day of importance to several other people I know. My friend Danielle, whom I've known forever, is studying German at Queens University Belfast and as it stands, the University are trying to get rid of the German department and let this year be the last year of student intake to the German department.

This means, that my friend will get to finish her course but that after this year, German will not be available to study at this University which is ridiculous considering German is a very widely-spoken language throughout the world. They are having a protest picnic today outside the meeting where the final decision will be made on this. Since I'll be going out of the country, I am unable to attend but I just wanted to widen people's eyes to this ridiculous affair and show my support for my friend.

I am going to post the link to the facebook page for those who oppose this decision in hope, that some of you will join and show your support: Save German at QUB!

As for me, to Paris I go!
Au revoir

p.s. Updates from Paris can be found if you follow me on twitter, my username is paperdollx.

Friday 19 June 2009


Dear Friends and readers of the blog,
I apologise for my lack of posts, even though I had said I had some ideas, which is true. However, this week I have been running around trying to get things sorted for my holiday next week and the fact that I am indeed lazy alas a post on this site has not been well, posted.

But do not fear my friends, for I have an idea! I am going to be out of the country and in Paris, France from Tuesday 23rd-30th June and therefore that's another week for a lack of blogging, but thanks to the lovely schedule mathingy, I can schedule blogs to be posted whenever and wherever I want them to be.

So, everyday next week, I will schedule a blog post to be posted at 12:00 GMT, for your viewing pleasure and that way, it makes up for this week and the fact that Im out of the country. If I get near the internet whilst I'm away I may also make an entry to let you know how France is going.

As a side note, I must mention my friend Simon's Blog - 4 month's in the merde where he posts about his regular French adventures, which if you so fancy, you should check out - link is in the blogroll over there --->. Another French blog which is in the blogroll is the one entitled 'Evolving Revolver'. But if you really feel like it, please check out all the links as they are all awesome bloggers whom deserve some readers.

Oh and you know, if there's anything you'd like to hear about, then comment, let me know you are reading people!

So yes, next week, everyday, 12:00 GMT.

Friday 12 June 2009


I honestly don't mean to sound big headed when I say this but I think I am a little bit of a trend-setter.

I mean I follow some trends myself. Like the typical girl with a shoe fetish trend, yup that's me. The skinny jeans trend, I wear them. The trend of wearing flat trainer-like shoes but that aren't called trainers - trend achieved. The typical student who blows her loan on alcohol and clothes - well that's definitely me. Gladiator sandals - awaiting their arrival.

But I am not that trendy, sure I wear skinny jeans, but they aren't really an "in" thing at the moment. I don't bend my clothing to the rules of Dolce and Gabbana or Prada or any of the other high-fashion brands. A lot of my clothes and shoes are not brand-types, nor are they vintage. I just buy them from normal high-street stores and yet once I buy them, a lot of other people pick up on them.

For instance, when I went to University, I was known for wearing my berets that are wollen and rather french-like. I had never worn them before now and I only wore the black one because albiet, I was having a bad hair day. But what do you know, I continued to wear it. I then moved from the berets, to knitted hats that weren't as heavy on my head. Then two of my friends really liked these knitted hats and decided to go and purchase them, themselves.

I also bought this beautifuuuul bag that is white with navy polkadots and brown handles from River Island and then everytime I turn a corner I see someone else carrying it too. I am not saying that everyone in the world copies me, because well not everyone in the world knows me. I am just saying, I have a habit of introducing people to new things, new ways of wearing things or something along those lines.

Just recently, when the weather was good, my sister and I decided to buy a paddling pool, a 10ft one nonetheless - we underestimated the size actually. And then suddenly, my neighbours gardens started to grow paddling pools. I mean the weather was hot and it was definitely a good idea to purchase one but nobody else got one until I did.

I am not complaning about this trend-following thingymabob, I fully agree with the saying that 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' it was just something that I have picked up on and will continue to monitor as time goes on. I wonder if I wore something completely and utterly ridiculous would people copy me then? Any ideas? Leave them in the comments!

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Hey Asia!

I know I'm sucking with posting updates on a regular basis, but you'll be pleased to know that I have a few more in mind after this one :).

So funny story, I'm on a few dating websites (no shame, none) and there was this one guy, let's called him Finn. He is good looking I'll admit, tall, dark hair, nice eyes, good body and lo and behold, he's Irish. Now we were talking away, getting on really well and he asks:

"Where are you from? I'd take a mad guess and say somewhere like Asia!"

ASIA? You've got to be kidding me! Not to mention, it quite clearly states on my profile that I'm from Belfast, Northern Ireland. And the fact that I have pale white skin, dark hair and dark eyes. When I corrected him, he told me the picture I had up had something "Geisha" about it.

So now, I go from being Asian to a Japanese Woman who is used to entertain men via singing and dancing. Luckily, me being me, I was able to laugh the whole thing off, because let's face it, it is pretty funny. Well now I know if I need to use the aid of the secret services to get a new identity, I might fit well in Asia or Japan. Who Knows!

Oh and just to clarify, I have absolutely nothing against the Asian or the Japanese, they're actually pretty cool!

Saturday 6 June 2009

The Movie Of Our Lives.

"Someday, Someone may make a movie of your life, make sure it doesn't go straight to video."
I read this quote a few days ago and it's been playing on my mind a fair bit. You see, as of late I haven't been doing a hell of a lot. I've been sunbathing in my back garden and getting sunburnt, buying a 10ft paddling pool and blowing it up with a Balloon pump, then filling it and taking occasional dips in it. Then a friend came down for a dip and then I played some Wii Games with another friend and that really is about the height of it. All of this stuff has happened in my house and I've barely set a foot out the door unless its into the back garden.

So really, if someone was to make a movie from this moment in my life, it probably would go straight to video. And you are probably all thinking, well where are your friends? Go out and get drunk! My friends are either on holiday, or working, or just unavailable and we're all saving our money for the summer (credit crunch hits hard on students you know!). I keep going from feeling positive about summer, that I'll make it through once July hits, to thinking how am I going to cope?

I haven't been into town because if I go there, I know I'll spend money which I am saving because I am going to Paris in a few weeks and need the money for then. The truth is, I know once I've been and gone to Paris, summer will be fine because I'll be volunteering 5 days a week and there will be people around as they are back from holiday or whatnot.

I don't really know what my point is, or was, just that you'll have to bare with me over the coming weeks readers and movie-makers, this is just a slow period, one of transition from being constantly on the go to realising, it's Summer and the luxuries that I had as a first year University student are on hold until September when I become a second-year University student (things will definitely pick up then).

In the meantime, my summer plans are to go to Paris, volunteer at a summer scheme for 6 weeks (children ahoy!), and road-trip Southern Ireland in August. I'll also be moving back to University in August so we can decorate our house, so I'm sure there'll be stories of the paint-covered variety to look forward too.

So, I'm off now to attempt unpacking my suitcases that are bursting with stuff from University and find space for them in my already over-crowded room. Maybe I'll consider selling some stuff off so that I can find some more money to buy more shoes that I'll never wear.

Hey, Don't Judge, I'm still a woman afterall :P

Oh and p.s. If you have any interesting stories you want to share, leave a comment or email me at I'm always up for hearing your adventures :)

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Information Obligation

I am not going to lie to you, this is one of those introductory posts. You know the ones that are required so that you can introduce to yourself to the internet/blogosphere/whatever you wish to call it.

Hi Internet, Hi Blogosphere. My name is Sami, though for the sake of this blog you will call me Samii, yes with two I's. The reason behind that? Because the domain name using Sami with one I was already taken. You win some, you lose some, you know.

Moving on, you've gathered that my name is Samii. I am 19 years old (20 soon-ish). I live in Northern Ireland which is a country where it rains a lot and that's really all I have to say about it. There you go, now you have the basics of who I am and if you want to be a true internet-stalker I'm sure you could google my information and locate my bebo/facebook/twitter/myspace or whatever other social networking site you'll find me on. Feel free to do so.

This is the point in the post where I'm supposed to launch into the deeper side of myself and tell you about how I was born and raised in this country, my parents split when I was aged ten, how I've fallen in and out of love and suffered from a broken heart, lost friends, made friends, failed exams, passed exams, and now I'm at University.

Really though, I'm going to skip on past all of that and tell you the aim of this blog. See internet, I am no stranger to blogging. I've blogged before over here. I quit that blog because my personal life got way too involved and my reader friends presumed everything I wrote was about them. So outright here's what I'm going to say, presume everything is about you. Then we'll have no problems, okay? No seriously, if you are so concerned that I'm writing about your life on the internet then ask me or let me know. However, this blog is about me and my life, not you and your's so maybe you might want to question yourself first. Mmmkay.

So internet, let's get down to it. You have all the required obligatory information about who I am as a person and what my life is like and so from now on, it's just you and me. Mainly me though. The aim of this blog is to stand as a writing platform for me, a place for me to put my thoughts and my stories. A place for my voice to be heard. So I make no promises to be interesting or funny, I only promise you this, that this blog is 100% me.

Simply Me...

Simply Samii