Friday 12 June 2009


I honestly don't mean to sound big headed when I say this but I think I am a little bit of a trend-setter.

I mean I follow some trends myself. Like the typical girl with a shoe fetish trend, yup that's me. The skinny jeans trend, I wear them. The trend of wearing flat trainer-like shoes but that aren't called trainers - trend achieved. The typical student who blows her loan on alcohol and clothes - well that's definitely me. Gladiator sandals - awaiting their arrival.

But I am not that trendy, sure I wear skinny jeans, but they aren't really an "in" thing at the moment. I don't bend my clothing to the rules of Dolce and Gabbana or Prada or any of the other high-fashion brands. A lot of my clothes and shoes are not brand-types, nor are they vintage. I just buy them from normal high-street stores and yet once I buy them, a lot of other people pick up on them.

For instance, when I went to University, I was known for wearing my berets that are wollen and rather french-like. I had never worn them before now and I only wore the black one because albiet, I was having a bad hair day. But what do you know, I continued to wear it. I then moved from the berets, to knitted hats that weren't as heavy on my head. Then two of my friends really liked these knitted hats and decided to go and purchase them, themselves.

I also bought this beautifuuuul bag that is white with navy polkadots and brown handles from River Island and then everytime I turn a corner I see someone else carrying it too. I am not saying that everyone in the world copies me, because well not everyone in the world knows me. I am just saying, I have a habit of introducing people to new things, new ways of wearing things or something along those lines.

Just recently, when the weather was good, my sister and I decided to buy a paddling pool, a 10ft one nonetheless - we underestimated the size actually. And then suddenly, my neighbours gardens started to grow paddling pools. I mean the weather was hot and it was definitely a good idea to purchase one but nobody else got one until I did.

I am not complaning about this trend-following thingymabob, I fully agree with the saying that 'Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery' it was just something that I have picked up on and will continue to monitor as time goes on. I wonder if I wore something completely and utterly ridiculous would people copy me then? Any ideas? Leave them in the comments!

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