Tuesday 23 June 2009

From Protests to Paris

Today is the day I leave Northern Ireland for my one week holiday in Paris, France with my family. If I am completely honest, I didn't pack until last night, I've probably packed too many clothes and I am really not prepared for this holiday at all.

I have never been to France and have nothing against the French, but it does scare me a little bit when I go to a country where the people don't talk my language. I know that most of them do, but it's kind of weird when you are walking down the street and being Irish, you are easily noticeable, and then you see these people look at you and they turn to their neighbour and start up a conversation. I mean, you have no idea what they are saying about you, if anything. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Paris and hopefully I'll have a good time and I'll take lots of photos. But today is a day of importance to several other people I know. My friend Danielle, whom I've known forever, is studying German at Queens University Belfast and as it stands, the University are trying to get rid of the German department and let this year be the last year of student intake to the German department.

This means, that my friend will get to finish her course but that after this year, German will not be available to study at this University which is ridiculous considering German is a very widely-spoken language throughout the world. They are having a protest picnic today outside the meeting where the final decision will be made on this. Since I'll be going out of the country, I am unable to attend but I just wanted to widen people's eyes to this ridiculous affair and show my support for my friend.

I am going to post the link to the facebook page for those who oppose this decision in hope, that some of you will join and show your support: Save German at QUB!

As for me, to Paris I go!
Au revoir

p.s. Updates from Paris can be found if you follow me on twitter, my username is paperdollx.

1 comment:

  1. too late.... they decided today that they're gonna close it :( boooo
