Wednesday 24 June 2009


A lot of bloggers lately have been writing about friendship and although I am not one for jumping on bandwagons, I feel it necessary to talk about friends and friendship and what it means to me.

I am not the world's greatest social butterfly, I find it hard to make friends and even harder to keep them. There have been many people in my life who have come and gone without me even realising it and there have been those who I've chosen to walk away from myself. I am not proud of the fact that I go through friends more regularly than I drink coffee but you know, life is shit a lot of the time.

But throughout all of these battles and sometimes even wars, I've come out the other end a better stronger person and I've come to know who my real friends are and how to recognise a good friend when you see one. It was in recent months that I made the decision to walk away from some very good friends of mine and to this day, I believe that a very stupid decision and I cannot seem to determine why I chose to do it. To those people, if you happen to read this, I apologise profoundly for walking away when I shouldn't have, but I hope you are doing well.

However, I am not going to focus solely on the negative. I have made some very very good friends by going to University and I would definitely be a mess without them. They have kept me sane during all the stresses of University coursework and exams and all the drunken messes that I happen to have got myself into. These people have made University a brilliant experience for me and I can't wait to get back there in September. To those people, thank you so much and I hope to see you as soon as I can!

As well as University friends, I have some very good online friends. Some of which I have known for years now. People often say, how can you be sure that these people are who they say they are? How do you know they are genuine and not really making fun of you behind your back? Well, that's just part of having human faith isn't it? But these people are fantastic, they are who I can tell every single secret too and I do, and even though we are spread few and far between, we know that we are there for each other, through the good and the bad. To those people, thank you for being there for me through everything and I hope we can continue to do so for a very long time :).

Of course, I must mention my family. If your family are not your friends then who can you say really is? My mum is one of my best friends, even if she does make me do the dishes when I really hate doing it (buy a dishwasher woman!). She is the one who is always there to pick up the pieces when I fall apart and she is the one who knows me better than I know myself a lot of the time and for that I will never be able to thank her enough, so here's to you mum, thank you for always being there for me (even when I don't do the dishes) :). I must also make a mention here, to my sister who will keep me forever young due to her tales of youth and woe and also to my granny who is also forever young because I make her read books such as Twilight and Harry Potter. I love you both too.

There are of course, those who I see not very often because they've gone away for University or something else has happened and they've had to go somewhere else. Yet, our friendship stands the test of distance and time. To those people, the one's who don't see me very often but yet still accept me for who I am everytime we meet again, thank you for staying with me through every change and decision.

I could go on forever about the different people in my life who I call a friend, but I am just going to simply end it here and say thank you to every person who has encountered me in my life, because you have shaped me into the person I am today and will continue to shape me into the person I will become in the future. So here's to you, friends, and to the many memories that are yet to be made and the many dishes that are yet to be done.

I love you all.

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