Saturday 6 June 2009

The Movie Of Our Lives.

"Someday, Someone may make a movie of your life, make sure it doesn't go straight to video."
I read this quote a few days ago and it's been playing on my mind a fair bit. You see, as of late I haven't been doing a hell of a lot. I've been sunbathing in my back garden and getting sunburnt, buying a 10ft paddling pool and blowing it up with a Balloon pump, then filling it and taking occasional dips in it. Then a friend came down for a dip and then I played some Wii Games with another friend and that really is about the height of it. All of this stuff has happened in my house and I've barely set a foot out the door unless its into the back garden.

So really, if someone was to make a movie from this moment in my life, it probably would go straight to video. And you are probably all thinking, well where are your friends? Go out and get drunk! My friends are either on holiday, or working, or just unavailable and we're all saving our money for the summer (credit crunch hits hard on students you know!). I keep going from feeling positive about summer, that I'll make it through once July hits, to thinking how am I going to cope?

I haven't been into town because if I go there, I know I'll spend money which I am saving because I am going to Paris in a few weeks and need the money for then. The truth is, I know once I've been and gone to Paris, summer will be fine because I'll be volunteering 5 days a week and there will be people around as they are back from holiday or whatnot.

I don't really know what my point is, or was, just that you'll have to bare with me over the coming weeks readers and movie-makers, this is just a slow period, one of transition from being constantly on the go to realising, it's Summer and the luxuries that I had as a first year University student are on hold until September when I become a second-year University student (things will definitely pick up then).

In the meantime, my summer plans are to go to Paris, volunteer at a summer scheme for 6 weeks (children ahoy!), and road-trip Southern Ireland in August. I'll also be moving back to University in August so we can decorate our house, so I'm sure there'll be stories of the paint-covered variety to look forward too.

So, I'm off now to attempt unpacking my suitcases that are bursting with stuff from University and find space for them in my already over-crowded room. Maybe I'll consider selling some stuff off so that I can find some more money to buy more shoes that I'll never wear.

Hey, Don't Judge, I'm still a woman afterall :P

Oh and p.s. If you have any interesting stories you want to share, leave a comment or email me at I'm always up for hearing your adventures :)

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya lol! I fear that my life is just disappearing before me with nothing significant to record :P .. and I feel about 90 saying that but hey! x
